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Date: 26-Oct-2024, 11:48 AM
By: McRoach
Forum: Bug Reports

Date: 28-Sep-2024, 4:46 PM
By: McRoach
Forum: Bug Reports

Date: 05-Nov-2023, 11:38 AM
By: CelticRadio
Forum: Game Updates & News

Date: 23-Oct-2023, 1:21 AM
By: Perkeo
Forum: Game Updates & News

Date: 22-Oct-2023, 1:19 PM
By: CelticRadio
Forum: Game Updates & News

Date: 22-Oct-2023, 1:05 PM
By: CelticRadio
Forum: Game Updates & News

Welcome to Medieval Kingdom
Medieval KingdomTM is a turn based community game that allows you to create and build a kingdom of castles, buildings and villagers. This retro game focuses on resources such as Gold, Food and Wood which are allocated every hour to all participating Celtic Radio members. Raise an army, visit the market or become a politician - all in your ascent to the Royal Crown - King or Queen of all of Celtic Radio!


Help Files


  Total Economy:  $19,454,224            Total Kingdoms:  109

Please note that Medieval Kingdom is currently in Alpha Development.
Medieval Kingdom requires a free Celtic Radio account to play.

The Scribe: News from the Kingdom
"The Scribe" is Medieval Kingdom's local news service. Scribe reporters are based in the district of the High King's county and will be reporting on the latest news and information from Medieval Kingdom.

Latest News!

01-Oct-2023 02:40pm
Here ye, Here ye - in celebration of the Autumn harvest, as well as being the month of October, we are pleased to announce a game reset. We have also resumed work on the game as of this month so look for updates coming to your mailbox soon. Sign up now!


Medieval Kingdom Auction
King Arthur's Auction House

So your building your Kingdom, earning gold and sacking villages with your battle hardened army. Now is the time to take a little breather and entertain yourself in King Arthur's Auction House. Many items are now being auctioned off from the High King's royal surplus - Books, Music and strange items from far away lands. Your booty of gold is your ticket to this exclusive event. All proceeds from the auction will benefit the poor and distute of Medieval Kingdom.

Auction Under Construction

Current Item: Heraldry Book     High Bid: 50,000     Auction Ends: 01-Nov-2008

The High King or Queen of Medieval Kingdom!

The High King or Queen of Medieval Kingdom is the currently #1 ranked member. The ascent to the royal crown will be difficult and challenging, but for those members who persist in the journey, will be rewarded with recogniztion throughout our sites of this honorable and presitges achievement.


King of Celtic Radio

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